Hare hunt


Saar and Robert, a young couple from the city, get invited by their friend Walter to his hometown in the South of the Netherlands.
An area where the people have traditionally been at odds with Northern city folks.
Saar and Robert are visiting to take part in the village’s traditional, annual night time scavenger hunt.

The goal of the hunt is to reach the end location, while being chased by villagers on four wheelers.
When Walter doesn’t show up at the start in the local pub, the couple decides to go ahead without him.
What follows is a bone chilling journey through the countryside,
when the young couple learns that the villagers interpret the rules of the game quite differently than they do.

Who is left to trust?

 “Korte horrorfilm van Brabantse
regisseur in premiere op het NFF!”


 “Een ijzingwekkende
Nederlandse cultuurclash.


 “Een spectaculaire film van een
jonge maker

Eindhovens Dagblad

 “Ken van Mierlo maakt horrorfilm
over Budelse greppeltochten:
‘Brabant op z’n engst’

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BTS hazenjacht - Fóque
BTS hazenjacht - Fóque
BTS hazenjacht - Fóque

Festival season

At the moment Hare Hunt is touring at several film festivals around the world.
Later this year it will be shown at the Dutch Film Festival (NFF), and after that it will air on Dutch Television (NPO).

Hare Hunt has already won some really cool awards and nominations in the categories; best director, best short, best music and best sound design.
This is a personal achievement for us, and there are still many more festivals to come.
Of Course we love shiny awards, so we are getting our tuxedo’s ready for this!

 “London shorts
Winner Best Director

 “Independent Horror Movie Awards
Winner Best Short

 “Austin After Dark film festival
Nominated Best International Director

 “Los Angeles Crime and Horror Festival
Winner Best Sound Design

 “Independent Horror Movie Awards
Winner Best music

 “Top Indie Film Awards
Winner Best editing

 “Top Indie Film Awards
Winner Most terrifying

 “Independent Horror Movie Awards
Nominated Best director

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Hazenjacht Fóque
Hazenjacht Fóque
Hazenjacht Fóque
Hazenjacht Fóque
Hazenjacht Fóque

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