FBTO – Car insurance

FBTO car insurance campaign

FBTO asked us to create two online films that show that what kind of driver you are,
and what kind of car you may drive, FBTO always has a car insurance that fits your needs.

The challenge

Making video’s with a humorous tone, including animals on set 🙂
The challenge here was to find a bird that could poo on cue.
Luckily we found another solution, utilizing some old skool film techniques!
Bird droppings on a stick! 

FBTO - Foque - autoverzekering
FBTO - Foque - autoverzekering
FBTO - Foque - autoverzekering
FBTO - Foque - autoverzekering
FBTO autoverzekering foque
FBTO - Foque - autoverzekering

Social video's

We also created a lot of square’s to make the video’s fit for format.
The video’s were used on different social platforms as well as on YouTube and banners.

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